Animal Jam Roleplay

Animal Jam is an award-winning online animal game for kids. Play educational animal games in a safe & fun online playground. Animal Jam is an award-winning online animal game for kids. Play educational animal games in a safe & fun online playground. Feb 25, 2020  Download Animal Jam - Play Wild 46.0.7. Walk on the wild side and play like an animal. Animal Jam - Play Wild is a casual MMO where you can make your own character by choosing from different kinds of animals. Starting out you can pick from a rabbit, a. Animal jam 7.

Animal Jam Roleplay Wiki is a informative and interactive database that is based off the virtual game AnimalJam (© National Geographic / Wildworks (Smart Bomb Interactive). Everyone is free to edit, create a page, and chat with the many users on this wiki. Make sure you obey the Wiki Rules of this wiki and take your time to go over the guidelines. Apr 13, 2015  I've noticed that I've assumed all of you knew how to roleplay. There are really two types of roleplay, novel-like roleplay that is usually seen on a forum (like on a wolf roleplay forum I own) and roleplay in chat. It's really easy to chat-roleplay, which you can also call Animal Jam roleplay.

Hi everyone! It’s Acrowdedstreet here. I want to talk about ‘RP’ today on Animal Jam. I find that some people only understand half of what is going on in Role Play. A lot of people don’t like it, or find it strange because they might not understand it, but I’m here to clarify things.

  • Role Play is all in all, just pretend. People on Animal Jam aren’t really looking for parents. Its just a fun little game like a private play. Not meant to be taken too seriously and just for fun. Since most RP is isolated into just the Pillow Room, I find complaining about RP to be a bit drastic.
  • There are different games to Play. Some people who role play get upset when they find the people they are role playing with are suddenly with new people. This isn’t them abandoning you, its just moving onto a different game. You can’t expect a dog to be a dog every single second they are on playing AJ, nor can you expect an owner to always be your owner every second they are online. People are allowed to play different games with different people.
Animal Jam Roleplay

For example, you can be playing Monopoly for one weekend with one friend, then watch TV with another friend the next day. It doesn’t mean that they don’t want to play with the friend anymore, it simply means they’re going onto a new activity and will be back for another round of Monopoly another day. It’s nothing to get hurt over.

Animal Jam Roleplay Ideas

If you get a message saying “In another game” or “In another Role Play” or even “I don’t feel like playing right now”, then it means that they are not your owner, dog, or child right now, they are something else to someone else. They are still part of your game, just not right now. I find this important because I think people should know more about how RP works. Its not one game, its several games all going on at once.

  • Role Play doesn’t last forever. All good things must come to an end, and that includes your RP game. The rule I think to follow is: If you logged off, when the game was still going on, you have the choice to move onto another game and leave the current game IF one day has passed.
Animal Jam Roleplay

That’s it for now. I hope this can clarify some things for you. Sorry if you disagree, but this is what I feel most people go by. Comment below your thoughts and opinions on this.

Aj Clans

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